martes, 2 de junio de 2009

You can do it using Genexus

Some days ago Gustavo unveiled some screen shots of our new User Interface for Genexus Server and today you can start trying it online 

You need a Genexus Technical user account in order to start browsing all the knowledge in Genexus Server .

Marcos was guessing how we did this product. The answer : We are using Genexus.

At the end the GX Server UI is a web application so we decided to use Genexus to develop it and Genexus Server  to host it and work with our team on this KB.  At the end of the day we are doing bootstrapping  and dog fooding of the Genexus IDE and Genexus Server.

We can summarize our architecture with the following figure:

The Genexus Visualizer and the Authorization & Authentication modules have been written with Genexus. 

Some days ago Google previewed the Google Wave showing us a lot of cool stuff we can do in a web browser, they mantra was: “You can do it in a web browser” ,  I’ll modify this phrase for this post and say: “You can do it easily with Genexus and browse it in a web browser”





3 comentarios:

  1. ¡Excelente! Sigo adivinando: ¿están usando la API de GeneXus para acceder a los objetos, o DataViews directo a la base de datos con la KB? ¿O como están accediendo a la información?

  2. El modulo GX External Object API es una capa de objetos externos para acceder directamente a la BL de GX. Por tanto utilizamos la API de GeneXus, acceder a la base directamente no es recomendable porque salteamos mucha lógica.


  3. Piensan publicar el modulo GX External Object API?. A mi me interesa...
